Trains from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar
2 trains run between Sai P Nilayam and Bhubaneswar. Sai P Nilayam has 1 station(s), from which you can easily book train tickets to
Bhubaneswar. Distance from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar is 1350 km. It will take approx. 26:18 hours to reach Bhubaneswar from Sai P Nilayam by train.
If you're planning a trip soon, you can alternatively book
on ixigo.
Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar Train Ticket Price
If you are in search of affordable train tickets from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar, ConfirmTkt is the best platform.
The Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar train ticket price varies according to travel dates, coach type, and individual preferences.
Travellers can find tickets priced between ₹590 and ₹12510, with the lowest Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar train ticket rate starting at ₹590.
Below are the minimum ticket prices for all classes:
1A |
₹3880 |
2A |
₹2285 |
3A |
₹1580 |
SL |
₹590 |
Weekly Trains from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar
There are 1 weekly trains running between Sai P Nilayam and Bhubaneswar. Check the details below:
YPR BBS SPL (02812) |
Mon |
07:32 |
12:15 |
Sri Satya Sai Prasanthi Nilayam |
Bhubaneswar |
28:43 hrs |
Daily Trains from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar
A total of 1 trains run daily from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar. See the details below:
Daily |
16:32 |
18:50 |
Sri Satya Sai Prasanthi Nilayam |
Bhubaneswar |
26:18 hrs |
First Train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar
The first train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar is YPR BBS SPL. It starts from Sai P Nilayam at 07:32 and reaches Bhubaneswar at 12:15.
Last Train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar
The last train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar is PRASHANTHI EXP. It starts from Sai P Nilayam at 16:32 and reaches Bhubaneswar at 18:50.
Fastest Train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar
The fastest train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar is PRASHANTHI EXP. It takes only 26:18 hours to cover 1350 km.
Cheapest Train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar
The cheapest train from Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar is PRASHANTHI EXP (18464). The lowest price for Sai P Nilayam to Bhubaneswar train ticket is ₹590.